Prices are based on number of weeks per term and divided equally over 12 months, so the price will either be the same or lower compared to termly payments.
Based on training once per week, the 2023/2024 term is as follows:
Term 1: 14 weeks @ £98
Term 2: 11 weeks @ £77
Term 3: 13 weeks @ £91
Total = £266 for the year
1 Class Per Week
Includes all styles
Attend 1 class of your choice each week
2 Classes P/W
Includes all styles
Attend 2 classes of your choice each week
3 Classes P/W
Includes all styles
Attend 3 classes of your choice each week
These Direct Debit payments will allow students to spread the cost equally across the year meaning that Direct Debits etc will not need to be paused over holidays as the amount paid will be the same (or less) as the termly payments.
Prices are based on number of weeks per term and divided equally over 12 months, so the price will either be the same or lower compared to termly payments.
Based on training once per week, the 2023/2024 term is as follows:
Term 1: 10 weeks @ £75
Term 2: 10 weeks @ £75
Term 3: 10 weeks @ £75
Total = £225 for the year
1 Class Per Week
Includes all styles
Attend 1 class of your choice each week
These Direct Debit payments will allow students to spread the cost equally across the year meaning that Direct Debits etc will not need to be paused over holidays as the amount paid will be the same (or less) as the termly payments.