The Okinawan martial arts’ weaponry systems are referred to as “Kobudo.”
In the past Karate and Kobudo were seen almost as 2 sides of the same coin, with one complimenting the other.
Some people however completely misunderstand why we promote the training of Kobudo. They ask Why we would teach “arms training” to kids as young as 8 years old, and it confuses many people.
But, here are some of our reasons:
Number 1: Sharpens Motor Skills
– Kobudo is a fantastic way to sharpen anyone’s focus and motor abilities when practised in the proper setting.
First and foremost, the body is immediately aware of the hands when holding something (like a karate weapon).
Students are told to handle the weapon in a variety of ways. The pupil must focus their thoughts on what their hands are doing in order to do this. The hands are constrained in their movements while gripping the weapon, which greatly reduces the “fidget factor”.
Number 2: Promotes Focus
Kobudo promotes focus as everyone in the class MUST follow the instructor’s instructions in order to keep that weapon and for the group’s safety. More than any other class, weapons class requires that all eyes be on Teacher.
More than any other class, weapons class requires that all eyes be on Teacher.
Weapons training is beneficial for improving focus for another reason: most children WANT to learn kobudo. Nowadays, it might be challenging to get a child to put down their video games. Children will seize the opportunity to learn how to use “real” weapons if given the chance.
Number 3: Teaches Responsibility.
All students take their kobudo training extremely seriously, and they are all eager to accept the responsibility and maturity that using a weapon entails in exchange for the opportunity to practise.
The reason many children continue to attend their Kobudo classes is because it is something that nowhere else offers, in it’s entirety, in the area. It provides excellent incentive to attend martial arts and study.
Students take tremendous delight in the fact that as they get older and more experienced, their skill grows. The weapons’ numerous manipulations require practise to master.
We hear of children practising staff swings, nunchaku spins, and sai flips in the garden are kids who would never practise on demand.
Misunderstandings Of Kobudo Training: It Is About Violence.
Of course we understand that there are destructive beliefs and backgrounds to some of these items used, but they are not taught to children.
The children’s aim is to control an object, in this example a martial arts weapon, and dominate their physical selves, not to utilise it for it’s original intent.
The children’s aim is to control an object, in this example a martial arts weapon, and dominate their physical selves, not to utilise it for it’s original intent. Kobudo improves coordination of the body and mind, which is vital in today’s society.
Kobudo improves coordination of the body and mind, which is vital in today’s society. The week’s lesson on weaponry is extremely popular with our students.
We’re not shocked because it’s also just great fun!
If Kobudo is your thing our classes are the ideal place to start, follow the link below to come and have a go yourself.